Friday, October 5, 2007

Test Day

I am writing this in a classroom while my geology students take an exam. If they only knew . . .

I have no photos to post today, but some good news. I talked to Booty last night, and he got home safely from both of his interview trips. Last night, he was getting home from Dallas. He said the interview went well, and I am hoping for more details in the very near future. I hope that some more opportunities to interview come up, because I know he would like to have a couple of offers working.

Bubby and I went to the Temple last night with Barb and "The Pearl". Lots of fun. Ruby River for dinner. The baked potato was great, I had an appetizer for the main course (artichoke dip).

It looks like a serious storm is blowing in. They are calling for snow up north, and of course we are headed that way at o'dark early tomorrow morning. Babsy is coming with us. Her boss, Carolyn was in an auto accident and is hospitalized up north. Sarah wants to check on her, and besides, it gives her a weekend away. Unfortunately, we don't have conference tickets for her.

We will be seeing Daniel and family tomorrow, so I will have much more to report.


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