Monday, August 25, 2008

Congratulations are in Order

Saturday was a full day. I was mowing the overgrown front lawn by 7:45 AM. We had cars to drop off at Auto Trim, and of course it was stake temple day in St. George. Bubby had some stuff to leave with Auntie Nell, but when we got there, she was tending the three youngest of the Jon Lee Family. After a very insightful conversation with Max, we drove over to the DRMC to drop off a car seat for the newly arrived Dallin James Lee. Jon, and of course Jolynn, are very happy to have him here. I asked Max what color Dallin's hair was, and he pronounced it black. Either he doesn't know his colors, or he was telling a windy to his old Uncle Rob. I suspect Dallin's hair will disappear upon washing just like all of the other Jon Lee kids.

Bubby thought it grand to get her hands on this fresh little guy. He is very cute, and seems content. Of course, as Jolynn pointed out, all he'll do is sleep for the first 24 hours. We will probably not know much about his personality until he has had a little time to settle in. I'll bet he will have lots of sisters who want to hold him.

I took a couple of up-closes for our readers who want to see whom Dallin looks like. It is clear to me that he is a full fledged member of the family, and will be chasing chickens and bunnies in no time.

He is a nice, sturdy little package. Bubby commented on that.

Of course, with the arrival of Jon and family from the Sevier Valley, comes eggs from Alisa, the egg lady. Bubby said one egg was so huge, you couldn't even close the egg carton on it. She cracked it open for her breakfast Sunday morning, and it was a double yolker. She was reveling in the orange wonder of it all when I got home from my morning meetings and couldn't understand why I didn't want to strap myself into a fried egg, too. I like them, but not nearly as much as she does.

We ran into W. Del Smith in Costco on Saturday. He is teaching at DSC of Utah and we visited their home and went to dinner with them. Bubby was very jealous of their backyard pool. It was grand to see them doing so well. He has been at DSC for over a year, but we never seem to cross paths.


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