Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Evelyn's Blessing Day

Sunday morning, after a good sleep and a breakfast of egg and ham on an English muffin, we headed down to Provo. This was the big day, and all were in their finest. As you know from Rosalyn's post the cute hat is something she picked up at an exclusive lace shop, and the dress is made from heirloom material. Evelyn looked really sweet, but she was not fond of the hat, at all!

Bubby grabbed this photo of Poppy and the Wells family as we went into the building. We had a lovely sacrament meeting with the one notable exception. Daniel did a nice job with the blessing, despite Miss Evelyn's protests, and of course you know about Andrew's histrionics. The real fun started when we retired to Bruce and Patty's for a lovely luncheon. Lots of salads, roast beef sandwiches, and party food. We all enjoyed our time.

Of course the children enjoyed playing with all of the toys in Bruce and Patty's family room. Lydia found this antique rocker and tried her darnedest to over turn it. She was having a blast.

Kate got into the "sit and spin" and was pretty as ever. She is such a girly-girl. I just love to watch her work it. I took a video of Jake on the sit and spin, I'll review it and see if it is worth publishing on these pages.

Of course we had to have a photo of the reason for our celebration. Here is sweet Miss Evelyn chillin' on the couch. Jake spent a good portion of the afternoon holding her. He does love the little babies. She was quite cooperative.

After the party, we gang-checked-in to our motel on University Avenue and then went to North Park in Provo to blow off some steam and keep the kids from shredding the motel room. Daredevil Lydia was absolutely fearless and made us all catch our breath a time or two. This is a beautiful park with lovely facilities. We could have killed several hours there.

Following our trip to the park, we all went back to Bruce and Patty's for dinner. They were so kind to host us. Daniel made the special cream and eggplant dish and we worked on some leftovers from the luncheon. Patty even had some fresh corn she had acquired. It was most delicious. Sarah and Aaron took the girls back to the motel room early to try and bed them down. We kept Jake with us. When we returned, Miss Kate was not yet asleep so Bubby, Jake and I went to the lobby. Jakie devoured all of the cookies he could find and we had a grand time there together. Jake was in his "I don't dare slow down, it's the end of the day and I am tired" mode. He would not sit still and he was driving me crazy. (That's why I'm the Poppy and not the Dad!) Finally, Sarah and Aaron came down and Jake went upstairs to watch a movie and be with the sleeping girls. Daniel and Rosalyn joined us and we had a fun couple of card games topping off a wonderful day.

On Monday morning we tried door crashing at the mall, and didn't find much. We ended our activities by having lunch at the River Bottoms Mall (a Chinese restaurant recommended by Jason on UTasty). No one puked or cried, so the luncheon was a success. Bubby and I drove home taking Sharon Snow with us. She and Dr. Snow had dinner with us in the backyard. They even helped us pick beans for Booty and Laur.


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