Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Visit to Vista

Our social calendar was pretty light yesterday. We spent the morning in quiet activities like piecing and correspondence. Yes, I have a situation at work that I am trying to work through long distance.

At 11:00, Bubb and I went down to Oceanside Harbor and Marina to try what Nancy E. thinks is THE best fish taco in the world.

This harbor side eatery is pretty low key, but it has both inside and outside eating opportunities. Bubby and I opted for outside, because it was a beautiful morning.

Here it is. Bubb and I ordered a two taco plate, which included a side of coleslaw. The cost was $11. Of course no mere human could eat two of these, so we each ate one. Bubb swore that Moby Dick was in her taco, peeking out from either side. Our assessment? I don't give anything a 10, its as simple as that. However, this one comes as close to 10 as is possible. The corn tortillas (doubled) were fresh and tasty. The sauce had a hint of herbs like dill, and the batter on the fish was light and fluffy. The fish, not as good as Bluewater, was still fresh tasting. We may have a winner, but with one more taco to try (at the Tin Fish) we are reserving judgment. It will have to be pretty good to compete. Ron E. thinks that the Tin Fish has THE fish taco. We'll find out tonight, because we are having dinner there on our way to the ball game.

After lunch, we loaded up and headed to Vista, CA, to find Costco and Sprouts. The Costco was different enough to be interesting. We did see a portable, stainless steel gas grill that we thought was pretty cool. It was light, could be cleaned with a power washer (like a car wash offers) and wouldn't take up so much room in your trunk. If this unit ever comes to Utah, it will revolutionize trips onto Cedar Mountain. No more BBQs on wheels in the back of pick up trucks (come on, you've noticed them, too).

Although it was listed on the Web as Sprouts, when we got there, the store was called Frasier Farms Market. It was certainly a lot like sprouts. The produce was absolutely gorgeous and farm fresh. The prices, like at Sprouts, the best we have seen in San Diego. We bought corn for our dinner (7 ears for a dollar) and this honeydew that Bubb could not resist. It cost her $0.77, that's right 77 cents for an entire honeydew! (Doesn't she look positively gleeful in the photo?) Of course we already have a cantaloupe in the fridge, so we will be taking this home, along with the box of peaches that Bubb could not resist.

When we returned to Oceanside, we tried to find a quilt store for Bubb. There were three listed on the Web, but none existed on the ground. We decided after that major disappointment that it was pool time. This is the pool layout at the Worldmark in Oceanside. The closest pool is actually a spa. That is where we usually hang out.

Here is Bubb soaking up the last rays of sunshine. She is wearing a new swim suit, but this is as much of it as she is willing to reveal.

I thought I ought to include at least one shot of the exterior of our Worldmark. Our room is on the third floor about half way down this wing. Nice views of the harbor and ocean out of our back window. The weather has been gorgeous, and we have had a blast. Sorry we can't start the whole week over again.


1 comment:

Sarah Wells said...

Sounds like an all around fun time. That fish taco look YUMMY. Wish we had one here.