Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve

This our tree, overflowing with gifts. it was a wonderful Christmas for us all.

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve, the only thing that could have made it better is to have Booty, Laurs, Leeg, and Clara here. Sarah and her family arrived a little before 9:00 AM, which means they left SLC way before O-Dark Thirty!

After Friday pancakes for all, including Daniel and family, we settled in to enjoy each other and make final preparations for Christmas. Our schedule was simple. Fun, no matter what we were doing and not worrying to much about when we do it.

We had a traditional buffet on Christmas Eve, but Bubby had suggested an international theme. Of course that meant that she supplied pigs in blankets, macaroni salad with cubes of cheese in it, and hard rolls with deli meat (in this case smoked turkey in lieu of the more traditional ham). That may not sound too international to you, but those things were always part of Grandma Jane's buffet, and she was Dutch, so ...

The rest of the meal was definitely more in keeping with the theme. We had cheese fondue, homemade gyoza (pot stickers), satay with peanut sauce, hummus with toasted flat bread, and prosciutto rolled around fresh mozzarella. For dessert, we decided to celebrate all of the December birthdays with a DQ cake. Drewfy, Jake, and Babs were all on hand for the celebration.

The parents allowed all of the kids to open one present for Christmas Eve, and of course it was pajamas. Lots of pink in evidence in Sarah's family. (She supplied the photos, so there is definitely a Wells family bias).


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