Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Too Long Away

Properly chastened by Booty (on behalf of Laurie), we again set fingers to the asdfjkl; keys and update. We have been involved in a lot things since last we posted, so this will be an attempt to bring you all up to speed in as few words as possible.

As one last perquisite for our service in the CCU 1st Stake, the outgoing stake presidency took conference tickets. We had tickets for Saturday morning, when the newest apostle was named, General Priesthood, and Sunday morning. The conference was inspiring and uplifting. Beany and Dan went with Poppy to priesthood and Babsy joined them afterward for a Thai dinner at one of Sugarhouse's local establishments. The food was excellent and the company unexcelled. We brought sticky rice and mango home to babysitting Bubby and she declared it the best ever. The photo above shows the Sunday morning crew on Temple Square before the session. We got to ride Trax in, which is part of the fun.

Of course while we were in SLC, we participated in the Wells sister's birthday parties and much else. Lots of fun for us.

The next big events for us was Easter weekend and the St. George Arts Festival. As you all know from reading the other family blogs, we all went down and enjoyed some quality time with the extended family. Uncle Jim was still celebrating a birthday and Auntie Nell and Uncle Rol gave him this nifty T-shirt in commemoration of one of Uncle Jim's political heroes. I am confident that the shirt was purchased with stimulus money and must be worn immediately, in order to maximize its impact on the US economy.

As others have reported, we did get to see Ashley, Ruskin, and Rowan. I thought Bubby's shot of him was one of the best. Our Bubby is developing into a very competent photographer and I am very proud to post her pictures.

Easter Sunday was family day. We had church, a big ham and potato dinner and an Easter egg hunt in the backyard. What follows are the photos of the egg hunt participants. All were taken by Bubby and they represent well our beautiful grands (except our Leondus, who was far away in Tejas). Miss Kate was resplendent in her Easter dress. She is a very lovely young lady.

Katie biggest fan, our Drewfy, was in heaven with his cousins. He is showing some maturity (well, for a 3.5 year old) and loves to come see his Bubby. It is obvious to Poppy that seeing only Poppy does not fulfill Andrew's needs very well. He loves to play with is Bubb.

Jake is getting so tall! I cut his hair for him and he looks handsome and ready for summer. Bubby thinks his suntan needs to fill-in a little. He had fun participating in the Easter festivities. Jake loves to play games and waits patiently every evening for a turn to play with the adults. He fancies himself a Skipbo master.

Bubby caught this semi-candid of Evelyn getting some love from her Daddy. She is a very sweet little girl. We all enjoyed being around her and it is so fun to watch her personality emerging.

Speaking of personality! The last morning Sarah was here, Miss Lydia went upstairs before Bubby headed out to swimming. Bubby turned "Franklin" on for Lydia, and thinking that Sarah was just behind, slipped out the door. During a commercial break, Lydia reported to her mom that Poppy had turned "Franklin" on for her and that he was upstairs. Thinking that Poppy was "on-duty" (he left the house at 6:00), Babsy bathed, did her hair, and finally came upstairs to discover that the "fox" had been in the hen house for at least an hour and half, unsupervised. Lydia ate four Cadbury caramel eggs, wiping chocolate on Bubby's bedspread. She finger painted Bubby's towel with toothpaste, and much, much more. Of course, much like any bad puppy, you just know she could use some stern correction, but look at that face. Do you want to administer the punishment? We don't.



Phil said...

Good pictures indeed! Way to go Auntie Trish. It was so fun to see you all in St. G - I wish we could have had more of you, and your charming grandbabies. I think your next Texas vacation should include a Houston stop-over. We'll eat at Salt Grass. :)

Laurie said...

Thank You!