Thursday, July 9, 2009

Another Busy Week

I have to step into a meeting with the lab consultants in just a minute, so I'll do this in installments. For our readers who don't know, we are adding a significant wing to the Science building (over 27,000 sf of new labs, offices and classrooms). This is the end of a marathon set of meetings that started yesterday morning.

We sadly said goodbye to Daniel and Sarah and their families on Monday. It has been so much fun to have them here. It is always exciting for us to have the kids come home. Our only regret is that this time didn't include Booty and Laur. We spent quite a bit of time on the phone with them, but that is a poor substitute.

We seem to stay busy. I haven't arrived home before 6:00 PM this week, which is not good. I need to mow my lawns. We have some chores to do at Daniel and Rosalyn's house, but through errant communications, we never got a key. We have been over to water their flowers, though, and last night we loaded part of the dismantled shower enclosure into the trash can and put it on the curb. They are having their first trash pickup as homeowners today, and they aren't even here to enjoy it. Of course we took the opportunity to put some of our garbage in their can. With a holiday garbage collection schedule and 11 people living at our house over the long weekend, our can overfloweth.

Speaking of our chores, I did find out how to wire Daniel's dryer outlet, however, I don't think I want to do it. When I get the key that is in the mail to us, I think I will swap the pigtail on his dryer to a three prong and put in a proper dryer receptacle. That means I will have to remove the stove set up that is currently there.

Monday afternoon we drove over to Bryce Canyon to review journals from the participants in our BCNHA field seminar in June. We had dinner at the The Pines with Gayle and Marie Pollock. It was delightful. Bubby slept all the way there, and most of the way back. She was tired.

Last evening, we went to a viewing for a former SUU faculty member who passed away. Following the viewing, we went to the Pastry Pub! We are so glad they are open again. We have missed them mightily. It has been renovated following the fire and there are a few new menu items. The great news is that even through prices are up a little the food is fresh and delicious. Bubby had her favorite oriental chicken salad and I had a chili relleno plate, which has a nice green salad instead of rice and beans. It was great to be there and to say, "Hey" to Cyrus. He seems happy to be back but nervous about making some money. You seldom used to see him there in the evenings, but now both he and his wife are taking care of things.

Looking forward to a quiet weekend and some yard chores. I need to weed the garden and, if the key arrives by mail, go take care of the dryer at Dan's. Hope all of our readers enjoy their weekend, as well.


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