Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Reunion and Other Fun

We have had a couple of fun weeks recently. Lots of family time, which is the best time.

Dan and I broke away one morning early and ran down to Sand Hollow for some bass fishing. We had lots of fun and caught quite a few fish. Daniel was enjoying being out and away from his moving and other responsibilities. It was fun for me to hang with one of my boys, just like the old days. We have been using watermelon and pepper colored Hula Grubs as our bait of choice recently. Sand Hollow bass dig 'em.

Our regular readers have already heard that we convened a Jasper Eves Family Reunion on August 10th. Our accommodations (the 5-Star Ranch in Birdseye, UT) were just right and we had a delightful three days together. Our Aunt Carolyn flew in from California to join us, and it was really fun to have her there. We miss family gatherings that include our California branch. We are so grateful that she made the effort to join us. The photos below were taken during our family night activity, during which Raymond taught a lesson on marriage and family harmony, and UP, AK, Bubby and I played a sort of not-so-newly-wed-game. It was a delightful time as you can see by the faces of our participants. Lots of smiles.

Mike and Melissa were able to join us in the evenings, which is remarkable considering what they are going through. Mike has decided to seek an advanced degree in computer science at Georgia Tech, beginning this fall. They were in the middle of moving during our reunion. There was a group of cousins and brothers that drove up to Mike's house on Tuesday to help with the heavy lifting and loading of the truck. They have already arrived in Atlanta, and Mike started pre-school meetings yesterday. We wish them success in their new adventure.

One of the most delightful surprises was the unannounced arrival of Tony, Jaye, and Vince from Iowa. Tony starts Law School there this fall, and they have already moved. They decided to join us at the reunion and it was great to have them there. Vincey is a show stopper and it is really fun to watch him growing up. I can't make him think I am his grandpa anymore, which used to be pretty fun. Uncle Phil was paying me back with Evelyn and Leo, however.

As usual, it was fun to hang out with Jason and his family. Here you see Jason doing some serious teasing during the FHE. We played the Orange Ball tourney while we were convened and Jason and I ended up paired. We won the 18 hole contest, which included going head to head with the second place team (Tony and Bean) during the back nine. It was a fun time. I tried to be cautious about my recovering knee and, aside from a few twinges during and after, I don't think I did any serious harm to it.

The best part of the reunion was the opportunity to have relaxed, family fun time. One afternoon, most of the young moms and their babies convened on the lawn in the shade of the trampoline for some good conversation. Bubby shot this picture of Evelyn, enjoying the shade and opportunity to get to know some cousins.

Leo was there, too, and it was a fun time to watch him. To say he was a center of attention may be a little egocentric, but he certainly captured his share. He is at such a cute age, and he tireless smile and enthusiasm for food made us all dote on him. Thanks to Booty and Laur for coming all the way from Texas to join us.

One of the highlights was the talent show, of which our Granny would have been proud. There were a variety of acts, spanning the spectrum of the ages of the participants. I have chosen to highlight only three. In the photo above, Daniel and Andrew are working a duet of "Twinkle, Twinkle", with their ukuleles. They were awesome.

Booty decided to do some juggling for us. He says he is rusty, but we were all impressed. He not only kept all three apples in the air, he was able to bite one without missing a beat.

The finale of the show was UP, AK, Marcus, and Jim in costume leading us in new, original, verses of "Grandpa's Whiskers". It was fun. Members of the family also chipped in with new verses prepared especially for this event. Note UP with his flashy Fender ukulele. It is made of koa wood, and has the classic Fender tuning head. It is an awesome instrument, and he was was strumming it proudly.

Thanks to our family for supporting the event. We hope to do it again in the future.


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