Saturday, February 25, 2012

From the Archives

Bubby is involved in some stake relief society function, or other, and I am supposed to be working, but while I was fiddling with my computer, I decided to post some photos from the past. What inspired me is the latest batch of fishing pictures that I have running on my digital picture frame. I am sure at some time, I'll post some of them for a "remember when", but take a look at this group of favorites that I found in my iPhoto files.

On Dan and Rosalyn's wedding day, a very dapper Jake could not keep his eyes off of "Princess" Rosalyn. At one point, he quite spontaneously took the opportunity to kiss a real princess on a very special July day on the Temple grounds in SGU

This is a remember when for Bubby and I. Jake was absolutely enamored with all things cowboy at one time. When I see this photo I think of saddles, wild rides on the arms of the couches, Jake falling through the air reenacting scenes from "Man from Snowy River" and so much more. Besides, now that he is 12 years old, he might even find this photo a little embarrassing ;-).

Our Kate was one beautiful baby, and even with her tongue out she is irresistible.

It is blessing day for Drewfy. He was so dapper in his white tux and tails. Love this boy.

This photo records a momentous day in Lydia's life—her first trip to a Little America Tower room. We had a chance to go back again with her this winter, and she loves it more than ever.

A warm early spring day on the Beaver Dam wash with Daniel and his family. This photo has become somewhat iconic since Rosalyn posted it on their blog, but it shows a sweet Mevie enjoying a glorious day in the desert.

Her Mom used to describe her as, "Super fun, but super naughty!" I think this photo captures most of that, don't you?

Princess Clara busting out a big smile for the camera. Now that she is walking everywhere, it is fun to think of her at this pre-lumpy stage. What a pretty smile.

Mevie was such an irresistible, chubby baby, we could never get enough of her. Now she is very grown up and on the move so much that it is hard to think that she ever looked like this.

What a fun little guy this is. He is growing up so fast that looking back at a photo like this is so much fun for us.

His Mom was the photographer on this one. What a great shot of Leegy, the cutest boy in Dallas, Texas!

When Booty and Laur came out for Independence day last year, Miss Clara got a photo shoot on the beautiful SUU campus. Isn't this one a dandy?

That same early spring trip on the Beaver Dam slope brought us all to lunch in Littlefield, AZ. I realize that this one gives Lyd one more photo than anyone else, but I couldn't pass it up. Cute, cute, cute.

Miss Bobaree looking pretty festive in the flower beds at the Temple. The bumbo chair is long forgotten for this one, who can really move now.

Two of the prettiest girls I know. This one makes me tear up. Check out the blue eyes!

I love, love, love this photo. Of course Leegy has an inkjet cartridge that is not something he is supposed to play with. Can you see him daring you to do something about it? I can.

Our Bobaree, looking beautiful now that she is So Big. What's up with the curls?

I apologize now if this all seems a little self indulgent, but hey, it's our blog, I guess we get to decide what gets posted. I hope our readers will at least enjoy the photos.



Sarah Wells said...

I personally LOVED the trip down memory lane. Those are 8 of the most beautiful babies ever!

Rosalyn said...

What fun pictures! I always forget how *fat* my babies were until I see pictures of them.