Monday, January 14, 2008

No Photos

This will have to be a photoless update. It has been business as usual for the first week of school. I am trying a new engagement activity in my "How the Earth Works" class, entitled the Pet Rock Project. It has been interesting to see the response. I look forward to working through this and seeing if it is of any value.

Bubby and I spent Thursday afternoon and all day Saturday working at the condo. My plumbing efforts came to naught, and I ended up having to call Malcolm Plumbing to bail me out. It turns out the main water shut off is corroded and no longer shuts off the water. So when the plumbers come today, the first order of business will be to replace the valve. Then they can change the individual shutoffs for the kitchen and bathroom sinks and toilets. Nothing earth shattering here, just long overdue maintenance items.

The pocket door replacement has also begun and it is surprisingly less of a mess than I had thought. I have to contact the contractor this morning and go over a couple of things with him.

Bubby and I made arrangements to have vinyl laid in the laundry room. We had to tear up the carpet squares on Saturday, but the only challenge there was the few squares that got covered up by the water heater when it was replaced. I took up the majority of the base board, as well, so we can get the vinyl under the baseboards. They are supposed to put it down on Thursday this week.

By the end of this week, we are hoping that everything will be pretty close to completion. There is still a little cleaning, and painting to do (we will have to repaint the walls with the pocket doors in them), but we are getting close. I am already tired of spending my free time in that condo.

We had a dinner party with Dr. and Mrs. Snow on Saturday evening. Dr. Ron did the cooking. Very nice. He bought a new car on Saturday, and we were among the first to see it. It is a two year old Civic with a five speed transmission. Before you all go nuts about his celery wagon, it is going to Rick. I saw it on Saturday night, and it still looks very good.

Uncle Roland did email me a photo of myself in the midst of painting, but I will spare you.


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