Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Quick Visit From Disneyland Hopefuls

The gang arrived about 8:30 last night. Everybody was tired and hungry, and Mr. Andrew is suffering from some flu bug, so he was tired and quite miserable. I'm sure that he and his mom had a wonderful time trying to pass the hours from bedtime to morning. When the gang arose, the fun began. Jenny, Samuel, and family slept in the basement, and when they emerged Daniel and Bubby had a breakfast of ham, egg, and muffin sandwiches. Daniel posed for this Bubby-taken photo. I had run off to work to try and get something done, and was called back for breakfast.

Jenny enjoyed her breakfast, and shows it in this photo. I don't know how they slept, but I guess they got along fine. Their baby, Enoch (aka Icky) didn't want to go to sleep and looked like a prairie dog while his mom was trying to get him there.

Of course, Bubby's baby tea cups came out and all of the children loved drinking their chocolate from the cups. I didn't get a chance to observe it first hand, but Bubby says this little dolly is quite the conversationalist. Cute little girl.

I busted out the fruit snacks for Mr. Man, and asked him to smile for me while he consumed his. This is what I got. I guess he inherited his father's photophobic genes. They were off for Anaheim by 9:00 AM, and we expect to see lots of photos posted.


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