Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thai Dinner with UP and AK

After running into UP and AK at our viewing of the "Bucket List" last Friday night, we organized a little dinner party that took place last evening. We had planned a Thai spring roll party awhile back, but it got canceled for some reason. Because UP had never tasted spring rolls, and because we always enjoy them, we put together a nice, light, Thai dinner. I was caught up in classes and meetings, and was unable to help the Bubb, but she came through. She said it took her two hours, but the meal was delightful and consisted of green curry soup with chicken and lots of other things. The spice was just right, and we all had seconds. Bubb also made lots of spring rolls topped with sweet Thai chili sauce, a carrot salad dressed with soy ginger dressing, and some hot sticky rice. The meal ended with a place of fresh seasonal fruit. We had a lovely time talking and enjoying our repast. (Food descriptions are for you, Jana) Bubby got to use all of her cool square Pottery Barn dishes, which always makes her happy and keeps my hands in dishwater for an extensive period of time.

After dinner, we decided to play a new game that AK brought along. It is called The Game of Curses, and Cindy told AK about it. The game consists of a series of challenge activities (like convincing another player that they should buy life insurance from you) and then a curse, which the player gives to an opponent. The curses consist of things like having to make dance moves or itch like a monkey every time one speaks. I captured UP while he was cursed to have his wrists stuck to his head.

It isn't long before the various curses start to conflict, and then someone shouts "curse breaker"and you have to turn over the curse card you broke. Three overturned cards, and you are out.

I this photo, AK, must preface every statement with Mr. T's famous line, "I pity the fool!" She is also required not to bend her elbows and to speak with a French accent, which sounded strangely Italian.

Bubby had some dandy curses including always biting her tongue while speaking and pretending to be a ventriloquist (minimizing lip movement). Then of course she also was cursed to pretend she was talking around an imaginary golf ball!

Lots of fun for the old timers, but younger more energetic players would probably enjoy the game more.


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