Thursday, January 29, 2009

Back to Winter

Bubby had her quilting "seminar" this weekend. Because she was otherwise occupied, I traveled to Orem, for a meeting at UVU, unaccompanied. I did get to have breakfast with Dan, Rosalyn, Andrew, and Miss Evey, though. Bubby took the above photo of the woman who taught her class on applique quilts. Said she learned a lot, but the photo was so dark we had to enhance it and it suffered some loss in quality.

On Sunday I had a marathon, and Bubby informed me she had a lovely day (she always smiles when she says that!). The last of the snow that we got during the Holidays finally melted on Sunday, but as we were driving home from fireside, it started to snow. By the time we pulled into the driveway, it was sticking.

Monday morning I shoveled about about 5 inches in the early morning darkness, but it was still coming down hard. I shoveled before my shower and then had to shovel again to get out of the driveway. The reported accumulation was 8 inches (measured at the airport) but Bubby measured about twelve inches in the photo above. She and I both came home at lunch time to find that the power was out so we couldn't get into the house. Neither of us had a key, either (long story). Fortunately, the power came on so we could enter through the garage, and of course get to the shovels so we could clear the driveway. I have since made multiple entry keys so we can each have several available.

The snow finally quit in the early evening on Monday, and we thought we would include this one that shows the mass of white we are again lying under. It is great to have the moisture, but last week we had rain instead of snow. That is my preference, of course. I was thinking last Sunday that I might get out on Cedar Ridge this week, but alas, it won't be happening.

Daniel signed and returned his contract. They are going to come down next week and look at homes. This is a great time to buy. I even saw his proposed teaching load yesterday. Looks like some entry level courses for the next year. Of course as the new guy, that is sort of the way it goes.


1 comment:

Phil said...

brrr, brrr, brrrr. I prefer rain too.