Friday, May 29, 2009

Back in the Harness

We have been back from AUS almost a week now. It has been a very busy week and we have tried to get caught up. I am not sure how successful we have been, but we keep working at it. Of course Monday we spent most of the day with Sarah, Aaron and family and visiting Daniel and Rosalyn's new home (we have our fingers crossed). It was fun to have that family time. While I was at a meeting, Daniel and Aaron spaded the garden and buried the soaker hoses. We had to replace one of them because it split, but we got the garden boxes all ready to go, the trellis framework up, and the beans planted. What a relief for Bubby and I. Thanks for Dan and Aaron, we will likely have green beans to eat when Booty comes in August. I was able to get tomato and pepper plants on Tuesday, so the garden is in.

Things have been busy at work. I started teaching on Tuesday (I am writing this while I proctor an exam in my class). I have about 38 students in my class. Of course the Dean work is piled up and waiting. Speaking of the Dean job, a national search has been opened, and I am in the process of finalizing my application. We'll see how this all ends.

Bubby has been busy at work, too. The ATC is experiencing ongoing budget cuts, just like we are, and yesterday a termination was announced. I know that intellectually, Bubby is not worried about her job, however, it does plant seeds of doubt in one's mind to watch co-workers getting "the axe". We talked about the situation a little bit last night, so I know she is thinking about it. I know that her President values her efforts, he told me so repeatedly during our commencement ceremonies.

We hosted a dinner party last evening with some very special guests. Uncle Bill, Aunt Verona, and Paul came to dinner with Uncle Rol and Auntie Nell. Late additions to our party were Uncle Jarvis and Aunt Colleen. It was fun to have them in our home and I was loving Uncle Jarvis' mannerisms, which are, in fact Grandpa Ben's mannerisms. Uncle Jarvis and Aunt College just returned from a mission to Uruguay. They worked in an LDS employment office and it was great to hear about their experiences.

We had a lovely dinner, and Bubby gave Auntie Nell a birthday present. This photo was taken during the jubilation that followed. I am sure that Auntie Nell is not excited about being the star photo in this posting, but she is certainly a star in our situation comedy.


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