Friday, October 1, 2010

October 1st

OK, I'll admit it. I am sitting at my desk (have been since 6:30 AM), not wanting to do what next needs doing. Tim O'Brien is jamming on "Turn the Page Again" (thank heavens for my iTunes work-playlist), and I going to post something. I should be working.

Not much unusual about this week. I did get to participate in the annual Thor's Thunderbird Classic golf tourney on Monday. It is a classy event hosted by Entrada in St. George. We had a grand time, ended up -7 for the tourney (-16 won), and I was glad for the diversion. Best part, I was at work the whole time. Played with a donor and a couple of potentials in my foursome.

Bubby has been busy at work. It is advisory board season (happens a couple a times each year). That means she has to arrange lots of catering, take and type minutes, create agendas, and generally oversee the process for the seven or so boards. She had two of them, back to back, on Tuesday, so she missed the chance to hang out at Drewfy's in the afternoon.

It is the beginning of faculty evaluation time for me. This is part of the administrative load each fall, a ritual of sorts. For the most part it is encouraging to see what a great faculty I have. Lots of dedication and outstanding accomplishment. However, there are always a few who need some encouragement. Even one or two that need to be threatened to shake them out of lethargy. Of course, I have worked with these people for years, like them on a personal level, which makes it hard to have to honestly evaluate their efforts. I missed a little sleep this week working out how best to proceed. Not whining, I asked for this job.

Bubb and I are headed for St. George this afternoon. We are doing the Temple, a little shopping, watching all the conference sessions, but mostly we are escaping. It's marathon weekend, so we may have a photo or two to post on Monday.

We did get to Skype with Leo this week. He (finally) got his birthday present from the Bubb and I. He looks so cool sitting on it, scooting up the hallway. Laur says he won't let them leave it outside. I guess he even rode it down the hall to fetch a roll of paper towels for her. Conjures up quite a mental images, doesn't it?

We love our grandkids. Every single one of them.


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