Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Andrew Comes to Visit

Sarah and family had planned a weekend visit to Cedar City on August 17th, so Bubby called Rosalyn and invited her to bring Mr. Andrew for the weekend. Rosalyn graciously consented, and the stage was set for a cousin's reunion in our backyard. Bubby had fun the few minutes Andrew was willing to sit still and swing with her.

Of course Andrew learned about dueling with light sabers during a recent visit to St. George, and he latched on to one as soon as he arrived. Miss Lydia has also watched lots of this, and she and Andrew squared off in the backyard.

All of the grandchildren, except Katie, mounted and were thrown by Bubby's hammock, but we were able to catch this leisure shot prior to the tears and general unhappiness.

We decided to turn the sprinkler on in the backyard and let the kids have some fun. In this photo, cousins Andrew and Katie are preparing for a run through the water. They had so much fun playing together.

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to include this shot. Rosalyn might argue, but that boy has an Eves physique. Long of trunk, powerful legs, he looks about like his dad at that age.

Of course, while the kids were in their swim suits, we dragged out some Big Sticks. I didn't open one, and neither did Sarah, both of us expecting to have some clean up work to do. However, as you can see from this photo, Lydia didn't give anybody else a chance and she consumed her entire frozen treat.

We all went to the Cow to sample the ice cream and have a cold drink. Here is a caged Andrew and his mom. He enjoyed the crushed ice as much as the ice cream, and we had a wild time trying to keep him controlled.

On Saturday morning, before our trip to the Main Street Cafe (good hashed browns), the toothbrush twins put on a dental hygiene display that was photo worthy. They mainly like to suck the toothpaste off of the brush, and then drop the brush wherever they might be.

This was a funny experience. Bubb had some goldfish, and she offered them first to Lydia. Instead of taking one in her fingers and popping it into her mouth, Lydia bent over and ate directly from Bubby's hand. Of course Andrew could not be outdone, so photographed above is Bubb feeding her puppy.

Sarah and family had to return to St. George in the late morning, so we hung out with Rosalyn and Andrew. Andrew helped Poppy pick some beans in the garden, we had a BBQ, and Bubby and Rosalyn went fabric shopping at Hurst's. On Sunday morning, Rosalyn, Andrew, and Bubby attended the Cedar City University 7th Ward, where Poppy was visiting. Andrew was able to turn off the lights part way through sacrament meeting, and we came to understand how Rosalyn stays so svelte. Wrestling a strong toddler not only wears one out, it helps keep one very fit. Andrew did not have a great sacrament meeting, but he was there, which is the important thing. It was great to have Rosalyn and Andrew visit, and we hope they had a good time. Rosalyn had to rent a car to come, and we appreciate her willingness to do it.


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