Monday, August 13, 2007

Rogers Reunion

After getting my grades recorded and putting the lid on summer school, Bubby and I went down to the Washington County Fair in time for the 4-H cookie contest. Katie, seen here in a cool little car, made cookies with her Dad and entered them in the contest. I had a chance to eat a couple, and they were good, but of course since Katie's mom is one of the organizers, she is not allowed to be a serious contender.

When the cookie judging was complete, we all went over and watched the 4-H fashion/talent roundup, for which Sarah was responsible. It was an interesting experience, and I could tell that Sarah was glad when it was over. It was, of course, super hot at the Washington County fairgrounds. It was so hot that a shaved ice with Tiger's Blood barely took the edge off the discomfort.

We all gathered at Aunt Nellie's for a get together later that evening. Aunt Barbara and Uncle Jim, Ashley and Rowan, Josh and Julie/Family, and Uncle Roland/Aunt Nellie were there. Sarah and the fam joined us as well. Aunt Nell had a great buffet all prepared, and of course we brought some garden production to the party. One of the popular items was some bruschetta made from tomatoes from Sarah's garden and basil from ours.

It was a nice occasion and great to see everybody. We had a little excitement with Lydia, but I will let you inquire from Sarah about that. All I will say is that the ripple effects are still being felt in the Wells household.

The handsome young man looking at the camera over Bubby's shoulder is Master Rowan Hartley. He is a very nice man, and hardly made a peep. He seems very attentive to the world around him, and everybody wanted to hold him. We even got a photo of Rowan with our Katie. She really likes holding a real dolly.


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