Monday, April 7, 2008

More Conference Weekend

Saturday morning we just relaxed and watched the kids play. Andrew was working some sort of look here, but I not sure what it was. The pants are part of a Chinese silk ensemble, and the top looks like taffeta. Daniel and Bean dropped a car off at the airport for Rosalyn because she was coming in while were in-line to go to general priesthood meeting.

There were lots of photo opportunities with the kids. Katie and Lydia got matching dresses and leggings for their birthdays and Lydia got a new doll. She doesn't get a chance to love a dolly much because Katie is the grandmaster of all dolls in the Wells home. But, as you can see from this photo, when she occasionally does get a chance to practice her maternal instincts it makes her happy.

After general priesthood meeting, the boys went to the Thai Siam restaurant on State Street. This is a location that Jason Maestri introduced us to and we have loved it ever since. Aaron is getting ready to dive into a bowl of spicy sour soup with lots of mushrooms, herbs, lime, broth, and shrimp. It is a very uniquely Thai soup, and both Bubby and I love it. We also enjoyed some sum tom, which is shredded green papaya in a spicy, limy, dressing. It tasted so good that we finished off the dressing over jasmine rice.

Of course we ordered way too much food but hey, we were celebrating. In the foreground is the ever popular pad Thai, and in the background the red curry/coconut favorite (gang dang). We had a wonderful time and both Daniel and Aaron said they really liked the restaurant. We were able to take leftovers home, and we even got a dessert of mango and sticky coconut rice for Bubby and Babsy to share.

On Sunday morning we had tickets for the 10:00 AM session which, of course, includes the Tabernacle Choir broadcast. We rode Trax from the 21st South station and easily got there in time to be in our assigned seats before the broadcast. As we were getting ready to go, the Ly woke and wanted to "Get down!" She was charming in the kitchen pushing her umbrella stroller around with her new dolly in it.

Jake was as good as a boy can be during our 3 hour conference session. He liked riding up on the train, he enjoyed using the binoculars to see President Monson, and he loved the Nips (caramel chocolate parfaits) with which I had filled my pockets. I am convinced that without them, he would not have made it through the meeting. Bubby hooked up with some Dutch folks that were sitting in front of us. They gave her some suggestions for her upcoming trip to Holland. We were right in the middle of a truly international crowd. We sat near Hollanders, Mexicans, Kiwis (New Zealanders), French, and Central Americans. It was really fun to think that the Church is so global.

This is a great photo of Jake and his Bubby at conference. Sarah says she doesn't think the time will ever come when her girls can sit through a conference session the way Jake did. Of course, he has tremendous powers of concentration and studies the minutest of details. We were glad to share our conference opportunity with the family.


1 comment:

Rosalyn said...

I love the picture of Andrew--very classy. I hope he doesn't get his fashion sense from his mom, though. :)