Friday, April 4, 2008

Princess Party

We left Cedar City at about 1:00 PM and after a short stop at the Shade store in American Fork, we arrived at Sarah's in time for the big Princess Birthday Party. The theme was tea party and there were lots of finger foods (including cucumber sandwiches) and fun. We didn't do any real tea, but that was OK. Bubby caught the two birthday girls in full regalia in this photo.

The kids all had a pink frosted cupcake on the lawn for dessert and it was really hard to get them to come back in because the evening is so nice.

Andrew emerged from playing with the princesses in their bed room in this rather unique outfit. I thought the hat was a real winner. He was in heaven with all the cousins and friends and he happily moved from group to group.

We had our first chance to meet little Miss Audrey. She is so cute and tiny. In one more week she will be full term. She is 6 lbs. and doing very well. Melissa said, despite all of the troubles, Miss Audrey is her best baby.

Bubby wanted her picture taken with Mr. Ted who was looking really snazzy in his new vans and cool baseball warmups. He is so very cute and cuddley that we all wanted a turn to hold him.

I took this photo of one of my favorite princesses at the party. Miss Ellie was resplendent in her outfit and played very nicely with all of the other children. I can't believe how much she has changed since I last spent some time with her (this time last year).


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