Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Spring Saturday

We invited Daniel, Rosalyn, and Andrew down for the weekend and they graciously accepted our invitation. They arrived early evening on Friday and after a dinner of zuppa Toscana, bake-at-home bread, and DQ for dessert, we spent a quiet evening playing Crowns, catching up, and generally enjoying ourselves. On Saturday morning, after breakfast and a hair cut for Poppy, we all cheerfully worked in the spring sunshine in the yard. It was a beautiful morning and Andrew helped pick up pine cones off of the lawn. We raked up a ton of pine needles and got them on the curb for the City to pick up this week. About 10:30, we headed to Park Discovery and I got a few photos of Andrew really enjoying himself. It was a glorious glimpse of spring, and most welcome. We are experiencing winter again this evening. It is snowing hard and sticking to every horizontal surface. I am assured that spring will make another appearance later in the week.

I did take this rather random photo of another little girl on the swings. She refused to sit in the seat so she stood, board straight, in the seat and giggled while her daddy pushed her. I know it is weird, but lest you think I am a stalker of little girls, Andrew did the same thing when he first got into one of these swings. His mom had to train him to sit back and bend his knees.

I did get a photo of him after he sat down having some kind of fun.

Daniel informed me that it is a father's responsibility to cater to his child's dare-devil tendencies. Here we see him tossing a squealing Andrew high into the air. Rosalyn had to look away. She didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Andrew did.

I got this nice shot of Andrew and his Bubby sitting on a wooden turtle in the swing area. It was a little windy, but very nice to be in the park. From here we went to lunch at Bruno's (Andrew really enjoyed is spaghetti and meat balls), made a quick stop at our newly opened Walgreens, and came home for quiet time. While Daniel worked on his Sunday School lesson, Rosalyn, Andrew, and Bubby had a nap. I did some annual maintenance on my sprinklers. That always involves multiple trips to the hardware store and I certainly made my trips.

Andrew woke before his mom, so we ran to Walmart (I know, Walmart in Cedar City on a Saturday afternoon—insanity!) and got the stuff to trick out Bubby's bike and have chicken tacos for our dinner. After the bike maintenance, Daniel and I fixed dinner and Andrew played nicely while Bubby and Rosalyn read. After dinner, Daniel, Andrew and I played in the backyard while the "womenfolk" (just for you, Rosalyn) did the dishes.

Once Andrew went to bed, we spent a pleasant evening with "Hetty Wainthropp: Private Detective", had popcorn, and went to bed. Daniel and Rosalyn left at about 7:30 this morning so Daniel could teach his lesson. We did have a little excitement before they left, however. When Rosalyn went to step into the basement shower, the shower door shattered into a million pieces spraying the entire bathroom with broken glass. We are so happy that no one was hurt when it happened. We will get the Jones' Paint and Glass folks to come take a look at it this week.


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