Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Busy Time

We did make it to the Madsen wedding luncheon. This is a photo of the bride and groom at the head table. True to their Gen Y training, they spent most of the time texting friends and talking on their individual cell phones. We had a nice time visiting with the Ed Rogers side of the family. We saw Annie and Ned, Ed Jr., Leann, Margaret, Jeff, Ben, Nathanel, Adriana, and Elaine. We also got to visit with some of the extended family. The luncheon was fun, and the food (Dutch oven fare cooked by Robert Terry) delicious.

We made our excuses and headed south about 3:30 PM. We made several shopping stops, and I even found a tie to go with my green suit. We got to the Woodbury open house at about 6:30 PM. We visited with Mark, Becky, and Curtis and noticed that a good representation from the Key family was present, although Chris and Nancy were out of town. Both Heather (four kids) and Bonnie (four kids) were there. The dark colored hair belongs to Heather and Paul, the blonde kids to Bonnie. Joanne was also there. It was fun to see them all, and I am sure they thought we were weird for insisting on a photo.

Our host and hostess had provided a wonderful dinner (although we didn't eat much) and lots of homemade cookies for dessert. The recreation hall in the Morningside Park Chapel was full of family and friends. One of my current geology students was even there, and expressed his surprise (and delight?) at seeing me in St. George. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Bubby took a minute to talk to Grumm Taylor, who broke her hip at Christmas time and has been convalescing in a care center ever since. This was her first outing since the problems. They looked pretty good, too, but we are all getting older.

Curtis is headed to Johannesburg, South Africa. He seems ready to go and was a very gracious host meeting and greeting all who had assembled. While I am pleased to see his poise, I am again reminded of when we knew him best (pre-school age). He was even courageous enough to sing a couple of Mormon pop numbers with his sisters. We only got to hear one of them, but I was impressed.

Bubby and I joined Uncle Roland and Auntie Nell at the Cox Auditorium for The Orchestra presentation. It was very nice and of course they sounded great. We got home around 10:30 PM.

This morning Eric Schmutz was sustained as the new president of the Cedar West Stake with Scott Sorensen and Joe Burgess serving as his councilors. Congratulations to them. That means there will be a new bishop in the 13th ward in a few weeks.


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