Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Bubby

Tuesday was Bubby's birthday. She and I had to do some higher math just to figure out how old she is. As a gentleman, all I can report of our findings is that she is still younger than I am.

She reports she had a wonderful day with lots of well wishes from friends and family. Of course, the Relief Society decided to throw a birthday party in her honor (they do it every year, I wonder how those without March birthdays feel?).

Daniel, Rosalyn, and kids sent the beautiful tulip bouquet, which Bubby has now placed in a planter pot given her by Big K. The pot looks like a teacup.

All in all, a very happy birthday for someone who makes us all happy.



Rosalyn said...

The flowers look lovely! I'm so glad you like them. (Of course, even Andrew knows that tulips are Bubby's favorites. :))

Phil said...

well, you summed it up - "someone who makes us all happy." That's Auntie Trisha all right! Happy belated birthday!