Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Yes, we are already back home, but Bubby wanted to finish our posting from the trip. There is still a little story to tell, including the miraculous return home, but I am getting ahead of myself. You will have to wait for another posting to get the final details.

So, when we finally got hungry (Chickahominy for breakfast), we were in one little community or another, and I noticed an Italian deli on the side of the road. Of course Bubby is always up for Italian, so we stopped. We were planning to share a salad and a calzone, and thought it an appropriate amount of food for the two of us. The salad was outstanding and we devoured it greedily, and then this monstrosity showed up! We only managed to eat about 1/3 of it, and the rest became dinner and a strange sort of breakfast on Sunday morning. Never think you know what the portions will be like, based on cost. This thing only cost $10 in a much higher priced part of the country!

We did find our way to Yorktown and the battlefield. We went into the visitor's center, watched the film, and generally soaked up the history of the site. We have visited here a couple of times before, but I am always in awe of the sacrifice made by the colonists at historical sites like this. They really laid it on the line and their efforts have lead to all that we enjoy in this country. Of course there have been challenges, and there are challenges ahead, but we are proud to live in this land and appreciate our great heritage.

I have no idea why Bubby insisted that this photo be included. I always prefer to be on the other side of the camera.

OK, I am going to reveal something about Bubby and Poppy. We can be a little quirky, especially when we are on our own. Bubby was studying the map when we were approaching Yorktown and noticed that there was a town on the north side of the York river called "Ordinary". I said to Bubby, "wouldn't it be fun to drive to Ordinary and see the town? Heck, we could do something extraordinary in Ordinary!" The more we talked about it, the better it sounded.

We paid the $2 toll to cross the bride and drove the 10 miles to Ordinary, as documented by the sign in the photo. Of course Ordinary is one of those towns my Dad used to joke about. You know, the ones where as you driving into town at 35 mph, you start to comment, "nice town . . ." but before you can finish the thought, you have exited the city limits, so you finish your sentence, "wasn't it?" We wanted to find something cool to do, like go to the grocery store and wander the aisles (an all time favorite activity for any of the Robert Eves family), but Ordinary doesn't have one. We did see the Ordinary Steak and Seafood House, locally called the Ordinary Tavern. But we were not up for it. All I can say is that we visited this community, the most extraordinary thing we did was buy gas for our rental car.



Sarah Wells said...

That is a SERIOUS looking calzone. I bet Aaron would like to have a go at that one.

jomama said...

Happy Birthday to our favorite "Aunt Bubby". We hope the sun shines in Cedar just for you today. (And maybe for us, too!) Happy Birthday from the Simmons's.