Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bubby on her Birthday

OK, I realize that it has been quite a spell since we have posted, and of course the last post went un-illustrated. However, I do have photos, and multiple posts, so I had better get started.

To begin Bubby's birthday week, we had the pleasure of Daniel and Rosalyn's company for Sunday dinner. I think we had a piece of red meat for dinner. Of course the real joy of the occasion can be seen in the photos, below.

Sister, as she is currently being called, wore this pretty frock to church, but before she came over, she changed out her shoes.

These little turquoise beauties are part of a Disney princess collection. I think these are supposed to be Jasmine endorsed. Don't you think they look stunning on Miss Thang's dainty feet?

For her birthday, Bubby asked Rosalyn to remake the dried floral display that has for so long graced our white rock fireplace. Here Rosalyn shows off her efforts.

Of course Bubb immediately put it in place. She is very pleased with how it looks and has thanked Rosalyn on numerous occasions. It is so nice to have talented members of our family.

Bubby had to provide the lesson for RS that Sunday. She talked about miracles and tender mercies, using the incipient arrival of spring as an example. She found this lovely clutch of tulips at the grocery store, and used them as part of her "podium-scape" during her lesson. Although I wasn't present, I understand from some who were that she did a very nice job.

On the actual day of her birthday, Bubby was in charge of a formal (proper?) tea party for the RS ladies. The beautiful scones on this tray were prepared for that event. They were consumed by the RS sisters with clotted cream and homemade lemon curd. Bubb said her one regret about the event was that she didn't get to instruct the ladies about the proper preparation of a scone before it is consumed. The scones were simply placed on the tables with small bowls of the appropriate accessories. She is convinced that many of the women don't have her cosmopolitan experience with all things British.

My major disappointment with the event was that our bishop would not allow the ladies to drink their beverages from fine china. He did not want there to be the slightest appearance of actual tea being consumed at a RS event. Coward!

We will close this post with a photo of Bubb ready to go to the event. She has donned her hat and gloves and looks properly prepared for a good time with the sisters. What a wonderful way to spend her birthday. We all hope she enjoyed every moment.


1 comment:

Sarah Wells said...

you look fab in your tea party garb. we will have to revisit your birthday when we come. i am feeling like a slacker in that department.