Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring is in the air!

While we have no photos to show, we can't let the past week pass without noting the inevitable signs of approaching spring. We had a cloudy, stormy weekend, however, there was not much new snow accumulation. I only had to scrap about 1/2 an inch off the driveway on Sunday morning. Evidence 1: Despite the stormy conditions, this turned out to be a very good melting weekend. As Bubb and I took our morning stroll, we couldn't help but notice how much snow had melted over the weekend. Today's temperature is supposed to make 50 °F, balmy spring weather in Cedar City.

Evidence 2: As Bubby was raking and hacking the bushes in Daniel and Rosalyn's yard last week. She noticed some bulbs sprouting under the cover of some decaying leaves.

Finally, Evidence 3: Spring will soon be here. When I got in my car to drive to work at 6:30 this morning, it was already leaking daylight over the mountains. Longer days are the surest sign that spring is coming.

Of course, this has seemed like a particularly long winter, and we will undoubtedly still have some storms, but the promise of spring sunshine, flowers, and warmth can't help but lift one's spirits. Best of all, my friend Richard has agreed to help me get the boat ready, including mounting an additional sonar on the trolling motor so I can see fish from the front of the boat. I am so ready to catch some fish.

Bubb and I went to the movies and saw "Dear John" this weekend, she liked it. We did some shopping, cleaning, chores, and worked on our taxes, too. We did a double header basketball game on Saturday, T-Bird gymnastics on Friday (we lost to Boise State by a couple of 10ths), and had a relaxing Sunday, which included dinner with Daniel and Rosalyn, and one last home teaching visit.

We will get the taxes finished and in the capable hands of our accountant this week. We are planning a trip to St. George on Friday afternoon, which includes a temple session. Bubb has invited Dan and Rosalyn down for a Saturday morning session while we watch the kids.

One final, funny story. During the week, Bubby was visiting Andrew and Evelyn. In her usual manner, she was encouraging Andrew to pick up after himself, and he announced, "You're the worst one!" Bubby asked, "The worst what?" "The worst grandma! You always make me clean up!" She is quite proud, and in fact informed Drewfy that if he felt that way, perhaps she shouldn't come back and play on Tuesday and Thursday. You should have seen him back peddling. Not quite what he had in mind.


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