Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wedding Fun

On Saturday, Bubby and I had the opportunity to participate in Maddie and Mark's sealing in the St. George Temple. Dan and Rosalyn came down too, and one of the Miner girls babysat while we all attended. While we waited on the Temple grounds (16 brides that day), I took the opportunity to photograph anyone who would hold still. Here is Emily with her Grandpa Phil.

Grown up Cammie with Grandpa Phil (she is a senior this year and planning on DSC).

Bubby and one of her favorite nephews, the ever charming Jason.

Markus with Grandma Garling. Speaking of grown up, check him out!

Here is the happy couple, resplendent in their finery. They look really cute together.

Although not old enough to have married children, Cindy and Ray seem to be taking it all in stride. Of course there isn't much that rankles Ray.

While we were supposed to be taking a photo of this cute family with their camera, we sneaked in a photo with our camera. Handsome family, don't you think?

One of the nice surprises of the day was a visit from Uncle Dave, Aunt Maren, and DB. What a treat to visit with them. We got to talk, went out to dinner, and general enjoyed the opportunity.

Here is our family's end of the reception line. The event was catered and very nicely done. We had Mr. Toad's wild ride trying to find the church, but all is well that ends well.

My Ted was at the reception with Jasper in matching Buzz Lightyear PJs. Thanks to Aunt Gaye. They looked great and couldn't have been cuter.

Finally, Maddie's Grandma Margie made this beautiful quilt for the Happy Couple. Bubby couldn't resist a photo, so I shared it.

All and all, a grand occasion. One that we will all remember for a long time. For Cindy and Ray's sakes, we hope it won't be repeated any time soon.


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