Friday, April 16, 2010

On the Road

This post marks a first. I am sitting in my motel room in Murray, UT, using my iPad to update our readers. I have to say that the keyboard is good, but leaves a lot to be desired for a touch typist with big fingers.

Yesterday, Bubb and I drove up to Taylosville for the ribbon cutting of the unified state lab. The same contractor that built that facility is building ours in Cedar City. The level of sophistication in air handling and movement there far exceeds our needs, but it was interesting to see the finished product. Our architects were there,too, and we all got a private tour. The actual ribbon was cut by Governor Herbert, but I will have to add his photo later. You realize that the iPad doesn't have a USB port.

Following the ribbon cutting we did Granato's for lunch. We visited Babsy and the kids and did a little shopping. This morning I am meeting with the other Science deans in Utah with the Lt. Governor. We are trying to get a Science and Math education initiative started in the State.


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