Tuesday, April 20, 2010


As previously mentioned, on Thursday of last week Bubb and I attended the ribbon cutting for the State Unified Lab building in Taylorsville. Bubb was very excited to be in proximity to the Governor, and she snapped this when he came to the pulpit to speak.

One feature that our building addition will share with the Unified Lab is a "green roof". A portion of our roof will be covered by flats of this material. It makes for a very attractive appearance, and is supposed to be very easy to maintain. I think it will be a nice addition to the same floor that will host our greenhouse.

While I was in my meeting with the Lt. Governor on Friday, Bubby explored the Capitol and its surrounds. Here is an artsy photo she took on the grounds.

It was a glorious day, and spring is a little better established in the Salt Lake Valley than it is in Cedar City. Of course the Bubb could not pass up a shot of some beautiful "daffies".

She decided to hike down State Street to a couple of parks on either side of North Temple. I don't know the name of the one on the north side of the street, but the one on the south side is called City Creek Park. She had a grand time talking to volunteers who were gardening, a resident who saw Bubb in the park from her window and came down to chat, and anyone else who happened along.

We did have the chance to visit with Babsy and family. On Friday night we all went to dinner at the Mac Grill. Miss Chee was pretty patient waiting for her dinner. She had her root beer, and she had her Pollys. She really doesn't need much else.

Bubb is trying to bond with Miss Maggie, announcing repeatedly that, "this is your Bubby speaking." She is a very nice baby, and although she is kind of short, she is growing quickly. She seems to want to get moving, but can't quite figure out how to do it. We did look at some family baby pictures and I can confirm that she does have Jakey's face!

Bubby and I drove home on Saturday afternoon, were able to attend the T-Bird awards, and were home to take care of our Sunday responsibilities. We sang in the choir, I taught Sunday School, and we received our home teachers. Daniel and Rosalyn came for dinner—Larry's chicken and rice, roasted asparagus, strawberries and pound cake for dessert.

Miss Thang showed up sporting two spouts and looking very pretty in pink. I have included this photo for Auntie Sarah. She was very sassy with her do, and could hardly sit still for dinner.

Have we mentioned that we love our Grand Kids?


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