Friday, August 6, 2010

Clarke Reunion

We returned home today from a five-day Clarke reunion at Brian Head. Some of our readers will know that UP, AK, Bubb, and I were in charge this year. This was the fiftieth year of the reunions, and we wanted it to be special. I hope that others thought it was.

There was great participation from the Ralph Clarke family (Steven and Ellen), the Mark Clarke family (Odeen and Lois Mae and all of their children, grandchildren, and great grands), Robert Clarke family (Stephen, Paul, and Mark), and the Edith Eves family (UP and us). All tolled, there were probably seventy people. We tried to take advantage of the fun stuff there is to do, and I think we did.

Monday morning, we rose early and eleven of us went fishing in a rented boat on Panguitch Lake. Steve Clarke (husband of Sharon of Market Grill pie fame) made all the arrangements and showed us a wonderful time. Everyone caught fish. Beany, Jake and I went along, and we had a lot of fun. We only fished half-a-day, but had a great time anyway.

Here is Jakey with his first fish. Hooked it all by himself.

The intrepid fishermen with about 1/4 of the catch (the ones we didn't turn back).

We had a really fun family home evening on Monday night, hosted by the Mannings. We played Clarke family trivia and "minute to win it" type games. Of course the team that included Poppy, Raymond, and Tony won it all. Tony even did a victory lap around the room when the winners were announced.

On Tuesday morning, eight golfers went to Cedar Ridge to conduct the 2010 Memorial Orange Ball tourney. Paul Clarke took the leadership. He made it really fun. Everyone was given one orange ball, and there was a prize for anyone who played their whole round with it.

Paul is a single-digit handicapper, and I thought he would walk away with it. He was paired with his son David, a police officer from Las Vegas. UP was paired up with Bruce Bennett of movie review fame in St. George. I played with my cousin Stephen Clarke, and Tony and Bean were the fourth team. Tony, Bean, Stephen and I were all in the same foursome.

Bean had to leave us after four holes (orientation at Weber State for his specialty schooling), but Paul allowed us to combine scores from the three of us remaining, and wonder of wonders, Stephen, Tony, and I won this year's Orange Ball. Paul and David would like to play with us again next year.

On Wednesday morning we ran to Cedar City and played nine more holes, but that put us back at Brian Head an hour late for the start of our geologic tour of Cedar Mountain. Bubby was not pleased with Poppy.

Our first stop was Brian Head peak lookout. At 11,307 feet above sea level, the view was inspiring. Rosalyn and the kids rode with me and Bubby and Babsy rode together. Kate made a conquest at the reunion. That is Connor Clarke, grandson of Paul and Dixie. He was infatuated from the get go. He is mildly autistic, so he had a little trouble knowing how to interact, but to Katie's credit, she rose above that, and they were pals by the end of the reunion.

Bubby shot this photo of Jaye in her eighth (or is it ninth?) month. She was as fun as ever and really loved being at the reunion.

We hiked to Cascade Falls, as part of the tour. Everyone made it on their own power.

We also visited Mammoth Cave and Drewfy and Rosalyn ventured down into the opening. It was dark and cool in there.

Here is Maddie and Mark Hulet. They seem to be enjoying married life. He is a super nice kid and fits in well.

I got this candid of Jaye and Vince at the mouth of the cave. Vince is too cute, still.

Upon on our return, we had a special talent night and karaoke. Elizabeth Manning McComb's husband told the kids an African adventure story that held them spellbound. Babsy and I had to leave before the karaoke got rolling (Bean was back in Parowan from orientation), but we understand that people got involved. Dan and Rosalyn both made an effort.

On Thursday, UP and I, with the help of everybody in our families, put on a Dutch oven breakfast for the reunion. We had potatoes, a breakfast cobbler (with a biscuit crust), scrambled eggs, cold cereal, muffins, yogurt, juice and milk. It was fabulous and very well attended. We probably fed about sixty-five.

In the afternoon, those interested attended a play at the USF. We stayed home and rested. That evening there was a family meeting to discuss the future of the reunion. It was a really interesting discussion, and the fourth generation attending absolutely refused to let the reunion die a natural death. The decision was made to shorten the reunion to three days, alternate between Utah and California, and continue on an alternating year basis. The next Clarke reunion will be summer of 2012 in southern California. Elizabeth McComb is going to take the lead.

We also discussed the Jasper Eves reunion, and Babsy has agreed to organize it for the summer of 2011. Keep us in mind as you plan your vacations next year. We want to have as much fun as we had in Birdseye.

We concluded the formal part of the reunion with a movie night, and Daniel was facilitator. It was loads of fun, and very apparent who the techies and Apple computer users were. Only their presentations really worked.

Thanks to all who participated and to Babs and Dan for supporting Bubb and I. We had fun together.


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