Saturday, July 31, 2010

This is the Place

On Saturday of the 24th weekend, Bubby wanted to go downtown and watch the Days of 47 parade. Sarah had done her homework asking all of her friends and neighbors from which vantage point to view the parade. Without exception, the response was, "why would you want to go watch the parade?" I guess it is a stay over night affair and wall to wall people. After some discussion, and disappointment for Bubb, we decided to go to This is the Place State Park instead, and we found it to be uncrowded and very enjoyable.

Almost immediately, we boarded the "train" that circumnavigates the park and went for a ride. You can see the Wells kids are loving it.

Then Bubby, Bean and the older Wells kids got to ride on a miniature railroad round and round the pond.

While they rode, Babsy, Maggs and I watched from the sidelines.

Jake got to participate in the "pie" eating contest. The pie consist of an aluminum pie pan filled with Cool Whip. Buried under all that goo, there was a plastic fish that participants had to retrieve with their teeth and tongue.

He is poised and ready.

And we are off!

I think he has a little spot without any Cool Whip.

We also got to ride the ponies, which is something that the Chee loves, as you can see.

From the ponies to the petting zoo. Jake and Katie were having a ball. Chee was having more fun jumping the drainage ditch, lined with river stones.

This one is for Booty. Beany is fondling a pigmy goat in his honor.

Of course Jake was just loving being able to touch all the animals. There were even French lop rabbits, a long time favorite of the Bubbs.

Before we went to lunch, we stopped in at the mini-pioneer town, and Bubby let the girls have their photo taken in front of whatever building they chose.

We went to the Brigham Young "forest home" and had our picnic of cheese, bread, and fruit on the lawn. By the time we finished, the parade was over and the people were starting to pack in. We got out just in time.

All in all, this is a fun park, and while it's no Red Butte Gardens, we might go back some time.


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