Thursday, November 8, 2007


Bubby and I met with the condo association last evening and after watching them squabble over whether or not the Recreation Association is paying its fair share of the property insurance, presented our proposal to put a gate in the back fence we share with them.

Of course they wanted to know how often I would use it to put the boat in the backyard. They also wanted to know whose fence it was. I told the woman who asked, that if it was my fence I would not have come to the meeting. After a couple of false starts, we got the approval and got out of there. The whole thing reminded me of why I don't serve on the recreation board anymore.

We had a fun time with Booty and Laurie on Tuesday night, before they left for Techits. We did a Costa Vida run, which is everybody's favorite, and then Laurie said she had coveted the 10 lb. Chocolate Cake at the Garden House ever since she saw Jakie eating his. So off we went. It took Laurie, Booty, and Bubby to finish the thing. I just sat back and smiled.

We talked with them in Amarillo on Wednesday night, and again when they arrived in Dallas on Thursday night. The movers are supposed to arrive today, and I hope everything goes smoothly. Booty has to go to work on Monday, so it had better. I guess the reality of a really big city like Dallas is a little daunting, but I am sure that they will learn to love it. I am counting on their ward to give them a very warm reception.

Bubby has run off to play with Auntie Nell (visiting Jodie), and I have to hang around for Distinguished Scholars Day. We will have much to report after tomorrow and Babsy's yard sale.


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