Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pinning Day

We are on our way to Beany's pinning ceremony. Jake is being a major league queeker. He doesn't want to wear the appropriate shoes. He says they make him look like a "one-eyed" freak. I told him the shoes didn't make that much different, it was his permanent scowl that made him look like a freak!

It is done! Here is Bean with the rest of his graduating class. There were twelve in the program. You can tell he is really happy to put this behind him and move on to new opportunities. We wish him well in the job hunt, and hope that he doesn't end up in Timbuktu. But if he does, we will just have to come and visit him.

I did get one picture at the pinning of the whole family. Jake is wearing the same expression, but I think that was mostly for effect. The little girls were darling, and Lydia slipped away from us during the reception, found a plate, and started filling it herself from the buffet line. It seems her two great talents are climbing and eating, in that order. We love her!

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