Sunday, November 4, 2007

Sunday Morning Tea

After all of the post pinning partying, we had a quiet breakfast at home this morning. Due to the change from DST, we had enough time for a leisurely tea party with our breakfast. Andrew is trying to learn not to be so "boyish" in his handling of Bubby's tea cups etc. He is getting the idea and kept repeating, "I be gentle".

Here is Bubby all posed up and ready for a sip. She loves to share her love of this particular social grace with anyone who can hold a cup. Andrew loves to play tea party with the toy set. We awoke this morning to him standing by our bed with a cup and the teapot, ready to get started.

One picture of all the "grands" after the pinning. Lydia was pretty upset to have to share her scooter, but we got past it. They all like to hang out together.


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