Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday Afternoon

It's Friday, and I feel like I need to post something, but have nothing outstanding to report. We are gearing up for our departure to Denver on Sunday and planning ahead so we can be ready to run. The weather is a little unpredictable this weekend, which could make things interesting. It is sunny and breezy right now, but the weather gurus are predicting significant snow (3-6 inches) by morning and more on Sunday.
It is our stake conference this weekend. We have a visiting general authority, and of course all of the meetings associated with stake conference. I start tomorrow afternoon at about 4:30, and the pressure won't be off until afternoon on Sunday. I have to speak in the Saturday night session, and I need to go over my talk a few times before then.
We are planning on packing tonight and tomorrow morning for our trip. I also have an appointment with Dr. Vlasich at the University tomorrow. He wants to look at my pontoon boat. He is interested in buying one and I would be glad to sell him mine. I don't like it much, but of course I won't tell him that. I think the deal will hinge on whether he thinks an electric trolling motor can be mounted on my boat.
I did go out to lunch with Barb, Pearl, and Ty today. We drove over to the Parowan Cafe because Ty got to choose. Bubby declined the invitation, because she ate Chinese at work today.
I offered Bubby a chance to go to the movies, but she doesn't seem interested. The only reasonable option is the "Spiderwick" business, and you know how she feels about fantasy. We have been stockpiling episodes of "My So Called Life" for Sarah to view while we are gone, and so we don't even have a decent Netflix to watch.
Let's hope we have more to report later. I guess Laur is in SLC. We hope for a report of some kind about those events.


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