Monday, February 25, 2008

Safely Installed in the Adams Mark

No photos yet, but a quick report to let you know that the conference weekend activities are concluded and we arrived in Denver last evening for the APPL convention with very little mishap. We were expecting stormy weather, but seem to have pretty much missed it during our drive to SLC. Once we checked in, our flight was quite uneventful. We had a reasonable taxi ride in, and saw Gayle Pollock, Lyman and Debbie Hafen, and Uncle Roland and Auntie Nellie in the lobby of the Adams Mark. We had a snack together last night, and Bubby is out and about with Auntie Nell and Debbie today.

I did have a rather embarrassing moment during my reading of the sustaining in our general stake conference meeting. I was given the paperwork far enough in advance to look it over, but I spent all of my time looking over the personnel in our stake. I never bothered to look at the general authority portion. I started out and got about as far as "Gordan B. . . ." before I realized that the document, which comes out of the Church's computer system, has not yet been updated to reflect the new First Presidency or Council of the Twelve. Anyway, I began to wing it, scrambling to remember who the new councilors in the First Presidency are, and did OK until I reread Elder Uchdorf as a member of the Twelve. Our visiting authority, Elder Stone of the Seventy, asked President Wilson to tug my coattail and ask me not to sustain him twice, and of course by then I had already read his name, did not want to reread the names (I just wanted to sit down), so I asked, "Would you like me to unsustain him?". I quickly shifted to "And the other general authorities are presently constituted", and pressed on. It was very amusing for the audience, but much less so for me. I left a note in our Stake Clerk's mailbox pointing out that we used to be friends.


1 comment:

Rosalyn said...

Glad to know you've arrived safely. Andrew wants to know when he can go to Bubby's house, but we told him that we can't go until someone is actually at Bubby's house to visit.