Friday, February 29, 2008

Poppy, Babsy and the Girls on the Town

I was waiting in Babsy's driveway when she got back from taking Jake to school this morning. We didn't even allow the girls to dismount, but I loaded in and headed to the Point of the Mountain and Cabela's. Of course both Lydia and Katie thought the fish in the aquarium were really cool. We wandered through the display and talked about all of the different kinds. They also enjoyed all of the mounted game animals, so as far as they were concerned, the trip was successful.

Babsy became intrigued with this particular fish. Not just because it had a hook jaw, but because it also looked like it had a bad cold sore. She took several pictures of it while we looked around.

I didn't buy much at Cabela's, I never do, but we also made stops at Costco, and REI. We had some lunch at a Greek joint but I don't think we chose wisely from the menu. Then we picked up Jake from school and headed to the Sugarhouse park to feed the ducks. Aunties Liza and Karen met us there with Jasper and Ted.

The kids had a ball and ducks were well fed. Once the bread was gone, we had to review duck and geese feeding etiquette. When the bread runs out it is improper to substitute rocks and sticks. For some reasons when the kids do that, the waterfowl all run away!

Of course a good time was had by all, and we returned home in time for naps and other more homey chores. I had to pick up Bubby downtown at the Raddisson at 4:30 PM and it only took us 20 minutes to drive back to Sarah's. We are having a pizza party tonight with Daniel, Rosalyn, and Andrew and Laurie, Big K, Brianna, Gracie, and Ella. Lots of fun. The kids made their own individual pizzas and have gone down to the basement to play.


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