Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just For Laur

We were able to attend a Williams wedding on Saturday night and here is the photographic proof. Laurie's cousin, Bryce, married his long time girl friend Ricki (in the photo). It was a lovely reception and we saw lots of people we know.

Of course Bubby wanted a photo of Uncle Roland (her current hairdresser) and Aunt Julie.

Peter and Lindsey and their daughter were handling the guest book, and we got this great shot. The baby is too cute.

We even saw Eric and Sombrin and got them to sit for a photo. Eric said he would just close his eyes from the outset (and you can see that he did) because pictures always catch him with them closed. Alas, this is the only immediate family member we saw. Big K said they were really late getting to the reception and we missed them altogether.

Of course Bubby wanted a photo of Lauri's cousin Chase and his family. Chase is our new family dentist. I have an appointment with him on Thursday.

I thought the refreshments unique, along with other aspects of the reception, so I tok this photo. Bubby thought the moose in the rice crispy treat was particularly appropriate to the decor.

One final photo of the kitchen crew. They were slaving away, and having fun doing it.

It was a lazy Saturday for us, but we sure enjoyed it.


1 comment:

Laurie said...

Hey I know all of those people! Thanks for taking pictures for me so I could feel like I was there.