Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Andrew's Third Birthday

Today dawned cold and gray, but the weather did not detracted from the significance of the day for Andrew. It is his birthday and he is three! He is very excited, and we are excited that he has survived the terrible twos. His Bubby fixed him a special breakfast of grapes, pancakes, and juice. Here is the plate just before the candle lighting. He was a little anxious about the fire and lighted candles, but eventually "warmed" to the idea.

A nice photo of the big moment. He managed to blow out one of the three, but got some help getting the job done. He didn't eat much breakfast because he has been told that after his birthday it would be Christmas. He couldn't understand why we couldn't start opening presents immediately following the candle extinguishing. Seems logical to me, too.

Of course Evelyn was looking on from her saucer toy. She loves to sit and play and only needs the occasional encouragement to be happy while she is playing. She is very charming in her pink pajamas.

There will be many more birthday festivities today, so stay tuned for further posts.


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