Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Unfinished Business

I am finally posting the last of the Thanksgiving photos. Now Laur will have something to digest during her web-time. We had so much fun having everybody visit us over the holiday. Of course, Miss Lydia was really taken by the ever huggable Evelyn, and this is one of many of their moments during the weekend. I can't say that Evelyn is enjoying it as much as Ly, but she is tolerating the attention with grace.

Sarah broke out the Holiday dresses for her girls. They were resplendent in their finery. The skirts had little sparkly dots on them and we have been finding them around the house ever since. I can tell that Sarah enjoys playing dollies with her little girls, and they are quite cooperative, so they must like it, too.

Evelyn was not to be outdone in the dress department, and she had a lovely, trendy, sweater ensemble that made her even more squeezable.

This was the best of the dozen or so attempts to get a photo of the whole grand-gang. We couldn't get Lydia to put her hands down, but we love this shot anyway. It might become my desktop wallpaper very soon, since it is the most recent shot of the gang we have.


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