Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Blessing Day

Sunday morning we were all excited for the big day. Of course there were lots of primpings and preparations necessary and you see Sarah working on the Ly in this photo. She needs a haircut (which I think has been accomplished by now)but she is still beautiful.

Here are the final results. She bumped one of her front teeth, and Sarah has started to call her Lydia the Gray, in honor of the gray and dying tooth. She has been to see the dentist, but he doesn't seem concerned.

Not to be outdone, here is Evelyn in her Sunday finery. She is not going to suffer bow-envy, as you can see. She is the winner.

Bubby snapped this photo of Leo in his blessing suit in church! Shame on her, but it is the only photo of him on his big day that we have. I guess that excuses the way she obtained it. He looks very charming in white and he was quite cooperative during the blessing.

We had a large, and delicious, luncheon at the Three Fountains Clubhouse. We ate roast beef sandwiches, salads, chips, and desserts. The crowd licked the platter clean, which is always just the way you want things to go. Following the luncheon, Jon and Jolynn, Auntie Nell and Uncle Rol and others gathered at our house. Jon, Roland, and the big boys played iFishing on the iPod Touch. It was fun to watch. Uncle Roland keeps insisting that his kids are getting him an iPod for Christmas. Although he plans on getting one himself, Jon assured his Dad repeatedly that he was not getting one.

The little boys played with Bubby's new Playmobil collection. Of course the little girls played with the doll house. It was a fun time for all ages. I had to leave prematurely in order to do my Sunday responsibilities, but I know the gang had fun.


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